Japan - Jet Lag

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The Japan list of contents so far can be found here!
We’ve returned. Our bodies and minds are still adjusting to the changes. The trip was a whirlwind adventure. It felt like we were in Japan forever, and yet, it all passed us by in a flash.

It is nice to be back home.

We have been having trouble sleeping. Adjusting to the time change (again) has not been as easy as the start of our trip. Sleep is an odd sensation. We wake up in darkness trying to figure out where we are, not realizing we are at home in our own bed. Perhaps the results of moving around so much while abroad. It doesn’t help that a tired mind plays tricks with lights and shadows. All we can do is wait it out.

Credit should also be given to the fact that we are both mentally and physically exhausted from the trip itself. 36 days abroad resulted in over 300 miles of walking trails explored, over 3,000 miles traveled by train and car, and a lifetime of memories. We experienced some of the most amazing food and weakest coffee.

With 5 different lenses we took over 40,000 pictures on this trip. We still need to go through them all to determine what is worth keeping and what is worth sharing. In the meantime; home, work, family, all need attention after such a long time away.

Our flight to Tokyo on Singapore Airlines!